Warood Alrabee Agricultural Company | شركة ورود الربيع الزراعيةWarood Alrabee Agri

LandScape(Natural Design)

LandScape(Natural Design)

  • item Price:Warood Alrabee Agricalture
  • Made In:waroodAlrabeeAgri
  • Add In:2018-06-05
  • Added By:shawki
  • Category:LandScape Projects
  • Description

    This system differs from the engineering system. This system takes into account the nature simulation as much as possible, and is based on non-use of shapes It is also suitable for large areas and is characterized by the fact that roads and walkways are naturally curved and preferably not exposed It is also preferred not to plant trees and shrubs in rows or on equal dimensions, working on the presence A large open area of greenery located in the middle of the garden and the center of the green survey

LandScape(Natural Design)

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