Warood Alrabee Agricultural Company | شركة ورود الربيع الزراعيةWarood Alrabee Agri

Ayurvedic Compost Organic Manure

Ayurvedic Compost Organic Manure

  • item Price:Warood Alrabee Agricalture
  • Made In:jaipurbiofertilizers
  • Add In:2018-06-02
  • Added By:shawki
  • Category:Organic Fertilizers
  • Description

    The gainful use of bio-manure can help address this threat. Bio Compost is a plentiful source of carbon for the soil besides being rich in NPK(Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium). The use Bio Compost balances the soil organic carbon in the soil and thereby preserves optimum productivity and soil fertility.

  • Unique benefits of BIO COMPOST Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Improves the soil structure, air circulation and water retention capacity of the soil. Retains nutrients and prevents them from leaching away the plant roots. Contains both the micro-nutrients (calcium, sulphur, magnesium, iron, etc.) and macro-nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash) essential for plant growth.

  • Microbes accelerate the breakdown of crop residues in the soil. This improves the texture of the soil and also releases the locked-up elements. Increase the yield and quality of field, vegetable, tree and fruit crops. Can easily be applied as both base-dressing and top-dressing. Improves alkaline and saline/sodic soil. Helps the growth of the roots by improving the soil structure. Ultimately, it betters the crop yield by improving soil fertility and soil structure.


Ayurvedic Compost Organic Manure

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